Exploring the Design of Interactive Digital Experiences



Company: INITION
: Designer, Programmer



Worldpay required an experience that would demonstrate the ability to make full purchases using EMV (Europay, Mastercard and Visa) payment system whilst in Virtual Reality. The player is presented with a table containing a number of items to be purchased as well as a payment machine. The idea is to successfully buy each of these items using the suggested payment method.

To select an item, it must be grabbed using the controller, the item then displays a price tag above it. To add the item to the basket, the player must look directly at this tag for a short time. Now with an item in the basket we are ready to make payment and this is reflected by the payment machine which displays the appropriate prompt. Our virtual wallet also appears above the machine allowing us to select the card to use. One of the payment cards (a Visa or Mastercard) must be grabbed and held over the machine for it to be read. If the cost of the item is £30 or less, Contactless payment is used, otherwise we are informed that this method is not possible and it reverts to PIN entry. The PIN entry number selection system is represented by a group of floating, numbered balls which surround the player. Each number of the PIN is entered by reaching out and touching it with the controller and then pressing the trigger. After each digit of the PIN is entered, the current set of balls vanish and another set appear once again in random positions. This is repeated until all four digits of the PIN have been selected.

Once an item has been successfully purchased, the player is rewarded with feedback visually in the world. For example, purchasing the Key will unlock the door and swing it open in a dramatic fashion.

The demo made use of real-time authentication using Worldpay's EMV protocols. The payment card data, or token was sent to Worldpay's servers in London, verified and then sent back to the card reader in the app, just as it would work in real world use.




  • Objective: Create a VR experience that demonstrates how payments can be made in a Virtual environment.

  • Core Gameplay: Successfully purchase the items laid out.

  • Environment: A small, modern room containing a table with items upon it. Outdoors, a bright, Mediterranean setting.

  • Endgame/Reward: Purchase all of the items using the required payment methods.

  • Target Audience: Non tech-savvy business people but familiar with VR.

  • Play Time: ~ 5-10 minutes

  • Comfort: 5/5


  • Digital Medium: Virtual Reality

  • VR Platform: HTC Vive

  • Locomotion System: None