Exploring the Design of Interactive Digital Experiences


TATA Communications F1

Company: INITION
: Programmer



TATA Communications and Mercedes-AMG Petronas wanted to create a VR/360-degree video experience to highlight TATA Communications' cutting-edge fibre-optic network and its use in F1 racing. Lewis Hamilton also played a part in the video.

Data from the car, such as its speed, down-force and so on, is collected and sent in real-time to TATA's data centre. This data is analysed, a best-solution is calculated using algorithms and then it is sent back to the Mercedes team to help the driver makes the best decision on the track. This is all executed in less than a quarter of a second!

This is a lot to convey in a VR video so it was broken down into an over-take on a single corner. Just as Lewis was about to make the move, time froze and he then explained how the data collected on track is sent almost instantly around the world, helping him and his team to make the decisions which allow him to complete the manoeuvre.




  • Objective: Create a non-interactive VR/360-degree video experience that demonstrates how TATA Communications' data network is used in F1 racing.

  • Core Gameplay: Observe the video.

  • Environment: Real video footage mixed with motion graphics displaying data, car and track.

  • Endgame/Reward: Understand how vital TATA's network is to F1 racing.

  • Target Audience: Non-tech savvy business people/general public.

  • Play Time: ~ 5-10 minutes

  • Comfort: 5/5


  • Digital Medium: Virtual Reality/360-degree video

  • VR Platform: GearVR

  • Locomotion System: None