Exploring the Design of Interactive Digital Experiences



Company: INITION
: Designer, Programmer



Ford required an experience to showcase the unique features of their new Kuga SUV vehicle. VR was chosen as the medium as it could provide the most engaging view of the car and also introduce a fun, physical dimension.

On starting the game, the player is first placed into a traditional tutorial environment where a voice-over guides them through the various actions they can perform. These include; teleporting in order to move around, grabbing and moving objects such as debris, identifying the various coins, and how to place them into the correct slot on the car.

Collectables in the form of circular coins which represent the features of the car are scattered around the outdoor, woodland environments. The role of the player is to find as many of these as possible and place each into its corresponding slot on the Kuga parked by the side of the road. A voice-over provides information about the feature being carried. This is a time sensitive task, so quick decision-making about which coins to go for becomes vital to achieving the best score. Once the timer ends and the round is over, the player is transported to the showroom where they can interact with the vehicle and find out about each feature in more detail.




  • Objective: Create a VR experience to showcase the features of the Ford Kuga SUV vehicle.

  • Core Gameplay: Searching for and placing items into specified slots before time runs out.

  • Environment: Two mountainside woodland variants - [1]Summer, [2]Winter.

  • Endgame/Reward: To learn about the features of the vehicle in an engaging way.

  • Target Audience: Non tech-savvy business people, unfamiliar with VR.

  • Play Time: ~ 5 minutes

  • Comfort: 4/5


  • Digital Medium: Virtual Reality

  • VR Platform: HTC Vive

  • Locomotion System: Teleporting